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[comments-wgb] On the creation of new gTLDs

Dear WG-B:

The creation of new gTLDs is inevitable and, I think, necessary to further
demarcate the Internet space for both commercial and non-commercial uses.  A
slow, gradual introduction of new gTLDs seems to be the best way to deal
with the concerns of trademark owners.  I do not think creating a list of
globally famous marks that will be protected from registration in the new
gTLDs is the answer, as such a list may or may not contain marks that are
famous in the individual countries of the domain name registries, registrars
and domain name holders.    

I think the proposed Sunrise provision is a good solution as it provides
protection for both large and small trademark owners within commercial
domains on a first come, first served basis.  The Sunrise program seems to
be a pragmatic method to rolling out new gTLDs, from the perspective of new
businesses and trademark owners of existing businesses.  

>From the commentary submitted to Working Group B, it is likely that the
proposed Sunrise provision will be approved by the ICANN Board and be
implemented with the roll-out of new gTLDs.  I would support a decision to
approve the proposed Sunrise provision.

Christensen O'Connor Johnson & Kindness PLLC
1420 Fifth Avenue
Suite 2800
Seattle, WA  98101-2347
dd: 206.695.1748
fx: 206.224.0779
web: www.cojk.com