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[comments-gtlds] I support Position Paper E

This is an excellent idea.
Please consider forwarding this to other potentially supportive

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: shawneea [mailto:shawneea@digital.net]
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 2:22 AM
To: Dave
> ------- Blind-Carbon-Copy
> cc: brunner
> Subject: Status (17/12/99) of the campaign for an Indigenous TLD
> Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 17:43:05 -0500
> From: Eric Brunner <brunner>
> Oki everyone,
> There are 143 of you who have provided a favorable comment on Position
> Paper E as of today Friday Dec 17, 1999. The comment period closes on
> January 10, so I urge you all to get your family, friends, co-workers,
> your Clan, Tribe or Band members, your email correspondents (lists &
> newsgroups, "buddy lists", chat roomies, etc.), your dance partners,
> your chorus and drum members, your class mates, even your pets (those
> with email) to add to this number. As a petitioning body, having between
> 150 and 200 we're bigger than any ICANN has encountered, but hitting a
> thousand would be a milestone in ICANN's history, it would shake the sky.
> Every few days I'm going to be putting something which I hope each of
> you will be able to use in your mailboxes. I'm starting with Lorraine
> Brooks' comment. She reminded me of just how powerful this idea is.
> Please forward this as widely as you can. Put it in your Christmas
> cards. Send it (or the more formal "Call" you received earlier) to your
> lists. This all depends upon you and your abilities to get out the vote.
> The short form is:
>         To: comments-gtlds@dnso.org
>         Subject: I support Position Paper E
> Kitakitamatsinopowaw, (I'll see you all again, in Siksika/Blackfeet)
> Eric Brunner
> Principal Author, Position Paper E
> Miss Brooks' comment follows.
> =========================================================================
> I am a library technician employed by the Union of British Columbia
> Indian Chiefs in their Vancouver, BC, Canada office.  My duties include
> providing reference and research assistance for the nations of BC, as
> well as to students of the Institute of Indigenous Government, a
> post-secondary college dedicated to decolonization of 'all' minds, as
> well as teaching students the skills needed for community and someday
> national self-government.
> For myself, as an information seeker and provider, having DNS for
> Indigenous peoples of North America would make research simpler.  All I
> would have to do is go to sites with the Indigenous peoples DNS. I could
> ignore the false-lead .coms and .orgs.
> Also, I would know that when I point a student to an "Indigenous DNS"
> site I am assured they are going to find genuine, approved, factual
> information. It is going to be information which has not been
> misappropriated, e.g. oral stories, songs, spiritual teachings or
> ceremonies recounted without permission, or which should not be public
> knowledge at all. Views and opinions, working models, position papers,
> case studies, statistics, etc. etc. etc. on the legal, economic,
> political, social, cultural issues and concerns of Indigenous peoples
> will be from the people involved. I would know I and my students are
> getting real firsthand facts from the people who are experiencing and
> formulating the knowledge before offering it online.
> And yes, having a primary Indigenous server puts the Indigenous
> peoples/nations where they belong--independant and sovereign not
> subordinate to the Colonizer.
> An Indigneous peoples DNS is a necessity if the world is to hear the
> "genuine voices" of the Indigenous peoples of North America (and
> worldwide).
>          Sincerely
>          Lorraine Brooks
> Ooriginal message received: Tribal College Librarians listserv -
> University of Montana)
> ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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