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RE: [registrars] WHOIS Task Force Recommendations

Hello Tim,

> There is nothing here regarding a huge problem, data mining. 
> Is that on the
> TF agenda?

I am not on the task force.

The task force undertook a survey.
The conclusions were that many wanted better searchability of WHOIS
(especially law enforcement and intellectual property people), and wanted
bulk access to WHOIS to make this possible.

The counter arguments are individuals don't want there details made public
due to the amount of unsolicited marketing that goes on. 

All agree that unsolicited marketing is inappropriate.

The problem is that the first objective (easier to search) is counter to the
second objective (harder to send unsolicited marketing).

Again - enforcement becomes the issue.  Presently bulk access agreements
tend to include clauses against use for marketing but they have had little

Your input on ways to address the problem would be welcome.

The Australian approach for ".au" is to limit the amount of information to
just name of registrant and email address (no address or phone details),
place the information centrally for searchability, and put strict limits on
the number of queries allowed per hour.
See http://whois.ausregistry.com.au to access the central WHOIS to see for

Bruce Tonkin

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