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Re: [registrars] PLEASE READ

Hi Mike ...

--On Thursday, August 15, 2002 11:48 AM -0400 "Michael D. Palage" 
<michael@palage.com> wrote:

> As I stated I will invest the time and effort to make sure that
> teleconference facilities are available for Amsterdam so that everyone is
> able to participate and no one is excluded.

This is a *great* idea.  Do you have any idea yet how this would work? 
Would we need to go to a facility, like Kinko's or would it be a conference 
call type thing like we had today?  Any details you can provide of how this 
would work would be a huge help in planning for us.

> P.S. Turn out for our first bi-weekly call was light. I would encourage
> increased participation in the future, thus limiting the importance of
> face-to-face meetings. As the Constituency continues to evolve there will
> continue to be growing pains, but what doesn't kill us will make us
> stronger.

I thought this worked out very well.  Attendance was light, as you said, 
but everyone with a particular interest or concern was able to make others 
aware of it and have it addressed in some way, and I think thats the most 
important thing.


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