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[registrars] PLEASE READ

The registrar meeting will be in Amsterdam, and I will be there.

As the Chair of the Constituency I often have to repeat the following to
myself "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED". The objective of the original
registrar meeting was to discuss important issues including reform prior to
China when things would already be set in stone. Based on the success of the
February meeting, the Executive Committee thought this was a good idea.

Then the FTC meeting sort of popped up. It was not something that registrars
proactively asked for. In an effort to maximize the productivity of the
meeting with the FTC on Thursday, I suggested a small get together to make
sure that our time spent on Thursday was well spent. In part to prevent a
repeat of the first 30 min. of our teleconference this morning. This get
together was not meant to undermine the legitimacy of the Amsterdam meeting,
it was just an effort on my part to increase participation and outreach. In
retrospect, this was probably not such a good idea based on the never ending
debate that continues.

Therefore, speaking only for myself in an individual capacity. I will be in
DC, Wednesday prior to the FTC meeting. I am willing to discuss with
Registrars the agenda of the FTC meeting in an effort to maximize the
productivity of this session. As the domain name industry matures it is
critical that we proactively help shape the evolution of this marketplace. I
will also likely schedule a meeting with the Department of Commerce or the
House Commerce Committee staff as I have heard there is likely to be ICANN
hearings scheduled for the end of September. For those registrars that do
not know there way around on the Hill, I would be more than willing to
schedule a group meeting to discuss ICANN issues with Hill or DoC staff. If
you would be interesting in these meetings, please let me know who your
Congressional representatives are.

That is all that I will discuss in DC. Other issues I will defer until our
meeting in Amsterdam.

As I stated I will invest the time and effort to make sure that
teleconference facilities are available for Amsterdam so that everyone is
able to participate and no one is excluded.


P.S. Turn out for our first bi-weekly call was light. I would encourage
increased participation in the future, thus limiting the importance of
face-to-face meetings. As the Constituency continues to evolve there will
continue to be growing pains, but what doesn't kill us will make us

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-registrars@dnso.org [mailto:owner-registrars@dnso.org]On
Behalf Of Nikolaj Nyholm
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:42 AM
To: 'Rick Wesson'; 'Rob Hall'
Cc: 'Registrars Mail List'
Subject: RE: [registrars] Amsterdam and DC
Importance: Low

(It's interesting as a European to once again see American democracy at

We'll be attending Amsterdam, even if it's only to have a good chat with our
other European colleagues, rage as vikings, speak strange languages, eat
escargot and do other weird European stuff. ;)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Wesson [mailto:wessorh@ar.com]
> Sent: 15. august 2002 16:15
> To: Rob Hall
> Cc: Registrars Mail List
> Subject: Re: [registrars] Amsterdam and DC
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Rob Hall wrote:
> > I am interested in knowing who is planning on attending
> which meeting (or
> > both) so I can plan which one I will attend.
> I am interested in attending any meeting of registrars where
> decisions are
> made. I propose that Amsterdam be that meeting.
> -rick

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