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[registrars] Re: Formal presentation of a motion


I think you are putting the cart before the horse. 

Lets vote on the WLS task for position paper first.  The issue of binding 
our representatives is a broader on than just this WLS vote. 

Personally, I have every confidence in the fact that our Names Council Reps 
are intelligent and can judge the will of the consituency based on our 
voting, and don't need to be mandated.  To my knowledge, they have always 
voted the will of the consituency.  If memory servers, Bruce recently 
offered to not vote the way he personally wants to, as he feels it may not 
be the will of the consituency.  I can think of no greater example of the 
upstanding character of our Names Council Reps. 

Lets concentrate on getting a vote done for the WLS itself, rather than 
arguing about binding our NC reps. 

I believe someone moved (I think it was Ross) that a vote be taken using the 
votebot on the each of the individual recomendations of the task force, and 
the task force recomendations as a whole.  If this was an official movement, 
then I would second that.  If not, I will be happy to move it, but I suspect 
the RC Executive are already working hard towards this end. 

Time is of the essence.  Lets determine our opinion of the current task 
force report.  We have gotten off track debating forcing reps to vote a 
certain way.  Lets cross that bridge when, and only IF, we need to. 




Jim Archer writes: 

> As a paid member in good standing of the RC I formally submit the 
> following motion and request the immediate support and second of all other 
> members: 
> Whereas the Registrar's Constituency of the DNSO has formally adopted a 
> resolution strongly opposing WLS, and 
> Whereas some members of the Constituency have suggested that our 
> representatives should not be required to vote in a block and expressed 
> the opinion that they are not required to do so, and 
> Whereas any potential ambiguity, if any, should be removed as soon as 
> possible, and 
> Whereas the Constituency is not prohibited by any of its organizational 
> documents, rules, policies or any other mechanism from directing its 
> representatives as to what vote they should cast and therefore has the 
> clear responsibility and authority to direct how these votes should be 
> cast, be it therefore 
> Resolved that each and all of our representatives be directed to oppose 
> the approval, adoption or creation of WLS as well as any other action or 
> resolution that would cause WLS to be brought into use or existence in any 
> and all votes taken on the WLS topic in which they participate as our 
> representatives, and be it 
> Further Resolved that these instructions to our representatives, whomever 
> they may be a the time, remain in force until a formal vote is taken of 
> the entire Constitutionally in which all members are given advance notice, 
> an opportunity to participate, debate and vote. 
> *****************************
> Jim Archer, CEO
> Registration Technologies, Inc.
> 10 Crestview Drive
> Greenville, RI 02828
> voice: 401-949-4768
> fax: 401-949-5814
> jarcher@RegistrationTek.com
> http://www.RegistrationTek.com 

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