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[nc-whois] meetings in Bucharest

  • Subject: [nc-whois] meetings in Bucharest
  • From: "Cade,Marilyn S - LGA" <mcade@att.com>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 23:39:06 -0400
  • Sender: owner-nc-whois@dnso.org
  • Thread-Index: AcIU512fnK/8SeAHSnuavEUMLP3I7A==
  • Thread-Topic: meetings in Bucharest

We will have a two hour work session on Monday, A.M. June 24 for the TF.Tony and Marilyn
 are still working on rooms but will be posting those details shortly. We expect the meeting to start at 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. but this time may shift.

Marilyn has other TF meetings later in the a.m. and throughout the p.m. so you should plan on the earlier time slot.

You should, at this point, plan to spend at least 2 hours on Monday  in the TF meeting. 

Given the present state of input to the report, you may have other work to do on site 
to complete preparations for the 
TF presentation.  We are working on dial in for those not in attendance for the last hour of the meeting
and will be posting that information shortly if we can work out the funding for the calls. At $2.3X per minute, 
and considering that we need Thomas/Kristy, in particular,  in the actual presentations, we are trying to determine 
best how to arrange the participation. 
Tony and I are counting on all of you who will be on site to make this a priority to participate
 and to contribute to the 
dialogue which will develop regarding our report. 

We would like to have our full team participating, via conf. call. IF you can support the cost of the calls,
please contact Marilyn or Tony. 

The present plan is to have a two hour session to 1) review presentation;
 discuss outreach in constituencies; review
what we will say in the GA. NC, and in the Public Forum.

Please rsvp to Marie regarding your arrival, where you are staying in the event we need to change
schedules, and confirm your participation in the meeting. 

We will expect participants from various constituencies to report back to their 
constituency re the TF presentation.  Since all of you are intimately familiar with the work
of the TF, this should work well, but we should walk through the viewgraph/powerpoint presentation
in our on site TF meeting so that we give a consistent message.   

We also need to allocate speaking assignments for the GA, and Public Forum in our meeting at
Bucharest.  Please mark your calendars and make this a priority. 

Thanks, Marilyn

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