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[nc-whois] WHOIS responses

Dear NC WHOIS Task Force,

Attached are the 300/statistically selected responses.  As Louie said:
"happy reading".  :-)
Please find these responses at the following url.

A reminder: these are the responses which the TF members agreed to read, so
that we have a standard set of responses which we all read.

You have, separately, [let me know if you need clarification/Tony and I
agreed I'd sheppard the administrative details] from Paul Kane, the
responses which you need to give to your colleagues from your BC/GA to read
and analyze. Hopefully, you've already sent that off to your colleagues.

The 300/attached are your responsibility to read, analyze, comment on, etc.

FYI: Status on identifying "associates" [we need to agree on a name for
these folks who are providing this additional/critical assistance]. Can you
also confirm if you have provided the data already to your "colleagues"?

Non Commercial:  Y.J.  Identified/provided 2 names
IPC   :  Steve Metalitz has been identified.
BC:   :  Marilyn has committed to name one to two by
early January.
ISPCP:      Unlikely to have additional folks.
Registrars:   :  Phillip will let us know.
Registry:        Names have been provided.
GA:      Awaiting input /once election takes place
ccTLD: Unlikely to have additional folks.

We should have a call in the early January time frame to discuss progress on
reading; this call would include both TF and associates, if you all agree.
And, we would discuss learnings from the 300; then learnings from the
greater review, which includes our colleagues.  Against this framework, we
will then adjust the outline for the report, timefames, etc.

AGAIN, the attached url will open  the file with the responses we requested:
10% of each

Thanks to Louie for helping out on getting this together for us!

Marilyn and Tony

DNSO Secretariat

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