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RE: [nc-udrp] the UDRP task force - report

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\li360\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs20 dear all,\par
We do have the summaries - which various people made before - all that needs to be done now is to pull out from there some directions or focus points which the task force think we should concentrate on.  The point about the questionnaire answers was never to provide a statistical argument (the UK saying comes into mind - lies, damn lies and statistics) but simply to help us put forward some recommendations for how UDRP should evolve in the future.  Please let's not re-open that debate.\par
attached are the summaries which everyone made of their responses which they were allocated.  I hope I found them all since filing is not my best skill!\par
Can I just underline again, the point of this is NOT to use these as a definitive answer to what the recommendations should be - we need to take into account all other aspects too (and yes to answer Milton and Michael's questions I have read all of their papers and many others (in fact I recently wrote a "trade mark owners response" to Dr Mueller's comments for publication in a UK legal journal).  Let's try first to find a way of listing what we think the issues should be and then make concrete suggestions to ICANN and indeed all others involved in re-inventing UDRP process as to how a workable and balanced system should operate.\par
Now, there were 56 questions in the questionnaire - Jim, Ethan and I all have our heads out of the sand so we could share them out as follows\par
questions 1-18 Jim\par
questions 19- 37 Ethan\par
questions 38- 56 Katrina\par
(maths is not my strong point either!)  (Jim, Ethan - are you okay with that?)\par
when we have summarised these we can put them in a list of things to debate, everyone can comment on them and we can (hopefully) reach some consensus on what the "task force view" is.....\par
some other suggestions...\par
I have all the other emails in connection with this and I will also go through these to pick out any particular points which were raised before so that they do not get lost.  \par
As suggested by Milton let's divide the Recommendations into Procedural and Substantive - Ill add another heading to the draft report \par
Ill be the keeper of the draft report and the list of things to debate and add in amendments until such time as someone wants to take it over from me - or you get fed up of my being bossy\par
I will also extract Michael Froomkin's recommendations from his paper and put them into the list of things to debate\par
\objattph\'20\objattph\'20 \par



Dear Task Force Members.doc

Dear Task Force Members.doc

#382394 v1 - Summary Memo UDRP Questionnaire.doc


UDRP Review Chart Surveys 17-24.doc

90-98 UDRP Analysis.doc

Summary of 90-98 responses.doc

UDRP Review Chart Surveys (GBD).doc

UDRP Review Chart Surveys 25-32.doc

Report - Neil Dundas.doc

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