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RE: [nc-udrp] nc-udrp@dnso.org mailing list is open

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\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs20 Hi everyone.\par
Im representing the "complainant" views.  I work for a  multinational company and have filed complaints.  I also represent  non-profit organisations who promote the interests of trade mark holders (eg AIM, ITMA, ACG)   More importantly I spend a lot of my spare time talking to my colleagues, competitors and friends in other companies who have also used udrp and I will bring all their views to the table.  I therefore think that it doesn't matter what nationality I am, only that I can listen to others, contribute a reasoned argument, and have contacts with other people and organisations who might want to have something to say on this.  \par
looking forward to working with you all \par
\pard\li360\cf0\protect\f1\fs16 -----Original Message-----\par
\protect0\pard\protect\fi-1440\li1800\tx1440\b From:\tab\b0 Milton Mueller [SMTP:Mueller@syr.edu]\par
\b Sent:\tab\b0 05 September 2001 16:45\par
\b To:\tab\b0 joonh@snu.ac.kr\par
\b Cc:\tab\b0 nc-udrp@dnso.org\par
\b Subject:\tab\b0 RE: [nc-udrp] nc-udrp@dnso.org mailing list is open\par
I would encourage members to communicate via the \par
nc-udrp@dnso.org address, and not use "reply all." We need to\par
work as a committee. \par
To answer your specific question, the committee has a respondent \par
representative (John Berryhill) as well as UDRP panelists from every \par
Let me correct what may be a misunderstanding about geographic\par
representation. The committee was not structured to guarantee\par
geographic representation. It was structured to provide \par
adequate representation of different viewpoints on the UDRP - \par
which I think is far more important, and not fully compatible \par
with geographic distribution. For example, a respondent lawyer, a \par
complainant lawyer, the DNSO constituencies, the different dispute \par
resolution service providers. All got to select a representative. We also\par
added independent experts in alternate dispute resolution and\par
international IP law. \par
Anyone in the world can supply the Task Force with \par
comments and proposals. \par

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