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Hi Roger and all:

First of all my apologizes for not attending in time the meeting.  Usually
we are in the same time zone that New York but I forgot the fact that now
they are in this saving light time...  Panama time zone is GMT -5 always.

But I want to give my opinion about what kind of model use to know who
will be the one who can manage the DNSO finances, and then how should be.

1.  DNSO is a part of ICANN.  Although it is self organized, it happens
that financially, because DNSO is officially a part of ICANN and not a
separate organization related to ICANN, we are not independent of ICANN
since I think that legally we shouldn't use the name of DNSO neither ICANN
due DNSO is not an entity by itself, just a part of an entity (ICANN).

2. Due the previous statement, ICANN is the primary responsible for any
finance issue regarding DNSO.  However, I think that the administration of
the funds should be in the hands of someone else.  But for this happens,
ICANN should make all the necesary documentation authorizing and
organization to do it (maybe by means of a Memorandum of Understanding)
The counterpart of this organization to  would be the the Secretariat
of the DNSO.

3.  The Secretariat actually will not sign any check.  Only will send to
the host organization all the information about orders of withdraw and
deposit.  Also there should be two persons inside the Names Council that
be the responsible for such transacctions.  The Secretariat is only a
bridge and keep records.  All of these functions and names have to be in
the Memorandum of Understanding

3.  The host organization should be in the same country and city that the
Secretariat resides (if the organization is also the hoster of the
secretariat, then better). In the era of Digital Signatures, maybe it
would be wise to buy Versign certifications or PGP (or any other instrument) in
order the two Names Council members responsible for send orders for
transacctions, both signs digitally such order and be sent electronically
to the Secretariat, then the Secretariat makes all the necesary documents
to sent them to the accounting department or responsible inside the host
organization to make the transaction.  Another model would be that the
the two Names Council member responsible for authorize the transactions be
in contact directly with the accounting department of the host
organization and verify the digital signature and also be sent to the
Secretariat to so the same verification, once verified everything, the
transaction is made and the Secretariat keep the Names Council informed
about all transactions made.

About the country of residence of this host organization:  Why only
American or French? Unless you tell me that the Names Council decided
already that should be North American or European only, there's no reason
to close the possibilities to other places countries. The permanent
Secretariat hasn't being elected yet, anyway.
I think that what we can do maybe is to search an organization that DNSO
will pay for host the Secretariat, and once we know who and where will be
the host organization, then begin the search of the Secretariat in such

Also another point that would be very nice:  the host organization has to
have capabilities of accepting VISA or any credit card.  There are many
people that wants to give money but the ammount of money doesn't justify
a banking transference.  By credit card many donations would be simplier
to be done.

Also I think that there's no need to begin to create new organizations.
To appoint an organization to deposit and withdraw money, make the
checks, and keep accounting would be perfect.

DNSO should avoid to create any entity specially where the members or
Board of Members are individuals.  In any case that is decided to create
any new entity just for manage money, then the Board of Directors
shouldn't be proper names, it should be a group of organzations (maybe
simple any organization member of all DNSO constituency?) and such group
of organizations by means of the Names Council appoints such Board of
Directors (or the members of the Names Council forms such Board of
Directors).  But we shouldn't try to register legally an organization
where the legal Directors are simply individuals, members or not of DNSO
and/or Names Council without any kind of base that allows transparency in
every step we take regarding the managing of finances of DNSO

What do you think?


Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
IT Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
Tel: (507) 230-4011 ext 213
Fax: (507) 230-3455
e-mail: vany@sdnp.org.pa

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Cochetti, Roger wrote:

> Just to confirm, as Athena has already mentioned, there meeting of the
> Budget Committee today is intended to address one issue on which we have not
> yet reached a conclusion regarding the voluntary funds that we plan to raise
> for the DNSO:  How should they be administered?
> As far as I can tell, we have at least three options, and we have to select
> one before we can actually begin collecting funds:
> 1) Have the funds administered by ICANN management for us; or
> 2) Have the funds administered by a custodian that is a newly-created,
> American, non-profit organization; or
> 3) Have the funds administered by a custodian that is a newly-created,
> French, non-profit organization.
> I'm sure that there are other options that would could consider, but one way
> or another I'd like to reach a conclusion on this important administrative
> question at this meeting.
> Thanks.

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