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[ga] Delete Microsoft.COM in 15 days from NOW!

I just got an enormous shock. I noticed that the whois data for
microsoft.com are incomplete or false or ficticious or all three.

They say (no I am not making this up, they do):

Microsoft Corporation (MICROSOFT-DOM)
   1 microsoft way

So, a misleading, incorrect, false city! And no state at all, though they
are in the US and must have a state.

And I think, given that they hide the place and state where they are, that
the street name is made up. "1 microsoft way" for a company called
"microsoft"? Can't they come up with something less obvious?

So: Herewith notified. Correct within 15 days. If not delete it.

Oh, and stop resolving it now. Throw it out of the com zone immediately.

Weren't these the recommendations of the whois tf?

Let us set an example to get the message into the hard heads of all those
cybersquatters and outlaws and terrorists and pirates and so-called
freedom fighters and privacy advocates!

Will somebody at Microsoft actually read email send to
msnhst@MICROSOFT.COM before the domain stops working? Will a snail mail
letter arrive at the address above? Should I call 425 882 8080?

[13] Certified virus free.

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