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[ga] 0:201 COM...Wild-Cards, etc.

0:201     COM

With the new 128-bit DNS software, it is important to have REDUNDANT 32-bit TLD Clusters
to help ensure stability and to allow for one Registry to enter as another leaves. Even though it is large,
the current .COM TLD Cluster is SIMPLEX. One easy solution is to deploy the second 32-bit .COM
Cluster (with the added fees). Another approach is to have the 8 Premium Registrar/RegistryPartners
become the .COM Wild-Card recipients, thus, spreading the traffic to more companies and clouding the
real issue which is that there is one company (one=simplex) at the heart of .COM. Those 8 companies
then make themselves **look like** a duplex or tri-plex 32-bit DNS solution, for the 128-bit .COM
DNS software. Eventually, the simplex .COM core, can be removed, leaving the 8 PremiumPartners.
From the point of view of the new 128-bit DNS software, it does not matter what charade or wild-carding
is used. The entire aging 32-bit DNS appears as a large Proof-of-Concept sand-box...

Jim Fleming

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