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Re: [ga] ALAC comments on proposed Bylaws modifications

On 2003-02-24 06:09:03 -0800, todd glassey wrote:

> If the Internet is truly global, and also democratic (which is an
> inherint misconception) then one person, one vote.

If it just was that simple.  When you are given a bunch of
independent, bottom-up organizations, and they start telling you
that they think occasional vote duplications are acceptable, and
that a "council" model would be the way in which they want to run
things in their region -- what would you guys do?  Just tell them to
go away, because ICANN has decided that it's one-man-one-vote, and
all your members are belong to us?  Or would you let them do things
in the way they want to do them?

Guys, your arguments are inconsistent.  On the one hand, you claim
that ICANN is doing things top-down.  On the other hand, you demand
that ICANN impose a particular participatory model on regions, even
when those active in that region ask for something different.

Thomas Roessler				<roessler@does-not-exist.org>
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