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Re: [ga] Priorities please. let us look at the big picture

Ya Khaled,

It is a good idea to look at the big picture from time to time.
Even the War is part of a bigger picture.

Wars have often been started, because they were deemed "necessary".  At 
other times, because their were opportune.  The Gulf of Tonkin incident; 
the attack on Iran; the invasion of Kuwait.  Sometimes the casus belli is 
cleverly provoked.  Even Pearl Harbor , with memos recently unveiled, is 
now getting a much more cynical explanation.

Yet, in 1945 the landings in Normandy and Leyte meant Liberation for 
millions of people in countries under bully occupation.
The  big picture is that neither the Americans, nor the Iraqis can vote on 
whether there should be a war or not.

Would you not like to contribute to a structure where Individuals, across 
borders, *can* vote? (And a fair superstructure where that vote is being 
qualified and given its due weight?)

The legal/political structure itself  is being warped everywhere  to 
facilitate corruption and then, once bent,  remains as an open 
invitation  to abuse power.  (In Iraq as well as in the U.S. or the West, BTW)
There is little you  can do about established structures.

But there is much you can do when it comes to  new structures.

  ICANN (NewCo) is a brand-new global structure. It is not established, yet.
It is still in a state of formation where public demands for built-in 
accountability can be made.
Some people among us, such as Karl Auerbach, have made big personal 
sacrifices to keep a focused gaze on ICANN.
Do you think our energy is not well spent by remaining focused when a 
critical window of opportunity to do something good passes by?

ICANN's  formation needs a minimum of public participation and 
is  therefore minimally open to influencing by individual public participants.

As still so few are aware of ICANN, we have a duty to do what we can here, 
or in MINC or in the AINC, to  build something that works or document the 
failure or the rejection. We paint our own part of the Big Picture.



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