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RE: [ga] Interesting WIPO ruling re: NewZealand.biz

>I beg to differ, Andrew. It is my opinion that  New Zealand did win back its
>name on .biz. An approach like yours only favors land-rush attitudes towards
>domain name registration and cybersquatting. Domain name registration should
>begin by acknowledging that certain exclusive rights over other idetifiers
>and distinctive signs preceeded its inception.

OK. So you argue that mexico has exclusive rights to Mexico.com

Once that's in effect, which pueblo has exclusive rights to

>I insist that the naming of States is a matter of public interest, and
>therefore registrars should ban the registration of domain names comprising
>the names of States, unless registration is requested by the State

And should canada.com.mx be the exclusive right of the country of Canada,
or can the shoe store use it?

And once you given mexico.com to the Government of Mexico, surely gob.mx
should be shut down, for the sake of simplicity. Don't want to cause any
confusion out there, do we?

Matter of fact, let's shut down .mx. altogether and move it all over to

It's a DotCom world, after all!

>Altough Professor Froomkin commented earlier this week that there is no
>basis in international public law for the foregoing, I beleive that there
>is, specifically in international commity and custom. Each State is entitled
>to choose the form of its designation, same which may not be used otherwise
>by anyone else, irrepective of the function that eacg gTLD is supposed to

OK. Well you can go around all the "Canada" shoe stores in Mexico and shut
them down, because I walked into one the other day expecting to be able to
get a visa (whoops - trademarked term!) for Canada and got all confused
when they said they only sold shoes.

And you'd better get those Ford Escort Mexico's all taken off the roads of
Britain too, while you're on your little "exclusive rights" power play.

And make Van Halen change the name of their song.

Andrew P. Gardner
barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP?
We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare?
Get active: http://www.tldlobby.com
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