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Re: [ga] .ct

Replying all your comments (large, I'm sorry):

eric@hi-tek.com says:
> If you are autonomous then you are a nation.

we think so, but we don't want to convert .ct in a politic subject 
(difficult thing, like you can see)


Jeff Williams says:
>   Thank you RIcard for chiming it, although you are very late in doing 
> so
> as ICANN is seeking to shut this forum and the DNSO GA down.

Very late, I'm sorry. This is a very difficult area to understand for 
one who is not directly related with IANA, ICANN, ISO... with IP, DNS, 
networks... that doesn't understand english very well... that doesn't 
belong to government and doesn't like politics... I've need 6 years to 
understand it only a little!  ;)

> But the ICANN BoD and especially the ICANN staff do want to change or 
> control ISO 3166

I know it, but we are not in a hurry. Will ICANN be the same after 1 
year, 10 years, 50 years?
Moreover, perhaps ICANN will not change the references to ISO 3166. And 
neither ISO will change his policy (to be a true standard it cannot be 
changed every day). But perhaps ISO or/and UNO can see some day the 
requirement of a new standard about cultures and ethnographies. Not 
now, of course. I understand that the international situation is not 
the best, at this moment, to talk about those questions. But we are not 
in a hurry ;)

>> or the kurds, or the palestinians, or the lakotas. Why not? Where is
>> the problem? Would this to be a critical problem for the DNS?
>   Also a good point here.  Why not indeed...

but we don't know the way to take. ISO? UNO? ICANN? Brussels?
Is basic to collect all possibles enterprises like ours in the word. 
When all of them can see a big inquiry perhaps, only perhaps, will 
change their mind.

>   My state, the great state of Texas is doing just this...
really? Some webpage to see?

> In case you didn't know ICANN rejected Scotland a TLD of it's own.

I didn't know it. ISO also rejected the application sended by our 
government because Catalonia does not belongs to UNO. Well, rightly. 
But they also says that the application must be send by the state 
government. Perhaps they don't know that our constitution says that the 
autonomous government is representative of the state government (anyway 
this is another problem not related with the net).


Roberto Gaetano says:
> Your Ministry for Industry is unfortunately right.

that's what he thinks. My slate thinks just the opposite ;-)))

> If you check the purpose for ISO-3166, (...). The first part, 
> ISO-3166-1, contains, inter alia, the 2-char country codes used by 
> ICANN as the basis for the delegation of ccTLDs. ISO's current policy 
> is not to add (please note the verb "add") to this list administrative 
> subdivisions of countries: these are placed in ISO-3166-2 (...).
> So, CT will *not* be added to ISO-3166-1 by ISO, and the Ministry of 
> Industry knows this.

We knew it, but we had to do it as a first step.

> As for ISO-3166-2, Catalunya *is already* part of the list.

Yes, it is, and this can be dangerous for us. NIC-ES can have the 
temptation to create second level domains for all the spanish 
autonomous regions (domain.ct.es) :(

> ICANN (...) you can imagining getting into the business of defining 
> which part of a country is autonomous enough to get a specific ccTLD.

It would be the same problem that have now to decide next gTLD. Or to 
define ISO 3166-2. Not more than this. And they would be happy many 
people :)
Moreover, they (ISO or ICANN) can consult governments to define those 
"Very" easy.

> it would be an enormous problem for ICANN, who all of a sudden will 
> have political responsibilities rather than technical coordination 
> tasks.

good point of view. I think ICANN cannot only be a technical 
organization. If internet needs something like a net "government" 
(please, note the quotation), someone must to take political decisions. 
Internet is NOT only a network of machines. Internet is done by people, 
too, and this people have sentibilities that cannot be forgotten.

> You might also vote with unanimity a resolution to get the sun to rise 
> from west, but it does not necessarily follow that the sun will 
> recognise the consensus, and obey the resolution.

would to god god grant!  :-D

>> (excuse my english)
> Since being you Catalan, English is your third language, if not more,

third and a half ;-) I live very close to France.
But I have a nice tool: http://www.ultralingua.com


Jonathan Weinberg says:
> during the early period ccTLDs were generally registered by
> researchers with connections to ARPA at universities in the countries 
> in
> question.

Elisabeth says:
> Yes, during the early period ccTLDs were registered by researchers,

J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin says:
> Using the 2 letters ISO codes permitted us not to confuse them as a 
> usergroup with the paying regular users from the state monopolies who 
> were named after the ISO 3166 3 letters codes (FRA for France).

this one explains many things.


Thanks to all of you for your explanations and advices. Nice support 
for my doubts.
I hope some day ICANN can be what I said before: the representation of 
the people and their sensibilities, not only a technical office.


Ricard Vaqué
ADD.CT, Associació en defensa del domini CT
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