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Re: [ga] FW: Comment from the gTLD Registry Constituency

The registrars have now posted a virtually identical statement:

Dear ERC:

As the Chair of the Registrar Constituency, the registrars have been a vocal
supporter of reform from the beginning as recently demonstrated by our
letter to the DoC which was signed by 52 ICANN accredited registrars from 17
different countries, including 8 out of the top 10 registrars. One of the
main reasons that we supported ICANN reform from the beginning was because
of the perceived inefficiencies of the current DNSO. Unfortunately, as the
ERC process has evolved the inefficiencies of the current DNSO appear to be

As the ERC properly realized, not all stakeholders are equally affected. The
registrars and registries are contractually bound to comply with any ICANN
consensus policies.  New or changed policies can have a significant
financial impact on their operations.  We believe that the protection of
registrar and registry rights as contracting parties within the proposed
GNSO is an important safeguard. The ccTLDs by contrast have advocated and
succeeded in obtaining their own supporting organization. This option is not
available to GTLD registrars and registries. They remain vitally dependent
on policy formulated in the GNSO. The registrars and
registries are willing to work with users and non-contracting parties within
the GNSO to make the ICANN process work.

We regard the equal voting representation of registrars and registries as
proposed by the most recent
ERC as a critical step in the right direction. We are concerned that user
constituencies, which many consider to be grossly under-representative of
their actual
constituents (see
http://www.icannwatch.org/essays/palage-representativeness-2.0.pdf), are
attempting to obtain an unfair majority in the new GNSO. We hope that the
ERC stays true to its course about bringing meaningful change within the
ICANN process.

Best regards,

Michael D. Palage
on behalf of the ICANN Registrar Constituency
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