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Re: Jeff Williams FAQ was Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [ga] HMS...

Of course it could be claimed that I need to get a life, but I have found the attacks most interesting.
In my notes of over a year ago I find that I called upon Jefsey, Sotiris, Roeland and Jeff Williams to participate in a teleconference to gain advice from them as to how best run a ccTLD for a developing country's benefit.
Well their advice along with that of my passed friend Peter is being implemented to this day and Jeff was and is sure a real person.
I do not like everything he says and does but I respect his labour of hard work over the issues involved in our Internet.
I may even engage in it from time to time but, I do recognize that attacks on individuals rather than Ideas are a reflection of our own frustration in our failures.  I note that the attackers for what ever reason all have a bitterness in all of their posts, I ain't saying it is good or bad but it is there.

Joe Baptista wrote:

On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Joanna Lane wrote:

> Ross,
> I don't see any photo of Jeff standing in a dirt farm, neither a road sign
> stating "East Kirkwood Blvd.", nor a house numbered 5. These photos prove
> nothing beyond the fact that several prominent members of the GA and DNSO
> Constituencies are taking pleasure in invading a person's privacy and
> ridiculing a person's character, which are not endearing qualities in any
> person. Remind me not to trust any of you.

what really surprises me is this phenomena called jeff williams.  i take
my hat off to jeff.  i consider jeff a friend and an inspiration.  i find
all this muck rakeing over jeff fascinating.  imagine prominent members of
the GA and DNSO planning meetings around pilgramages to the mailing
address of jeff williams ... or silo ... or whatever.

and let us not forget that all we really know about jeff is that he is
reported extensively in the press - on issues dns.  obviously the man is a
recognized expert.  i've addressed this to the press involved and did not
get much in the way of objection.

jeff is in my opinion a dns cultural icon.  who incidentally gives great
stock tips in dns companies.  i've followed some of his recomendations and
he spot on with respect to the picks.

so my hat off to jeff ... a cultural icon of a different colour.  yes?

> For all his lack of integrity, Jeff's character flaws pale into
> insignificance when measured against ICANN Staff, who have been lying
> through their teeth consistently for years while they take the public to the
> cleaners, so let's face it, Jeff's one vote in the At Large or GA would
> never result in the kind of damage that history will hold Mike Roberts,
> Esther Dyson and Stuart Lynn responsible for, and neither, I imagine, has he
> ever been in a position to squander the pensions of thousands of employees
> like several other Corporate executives I could mention.

agreed ... ;)

> So in the overall scheme of things, this is all rather silly.

this happens every so often.  for the longest time william walsh claimed i
was not real ... then some idiot civil servant at the itu claimed i was an
undercover agent for nsi.

it's par for the course.

joe baptista

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Ross Wm.
> > Rader
> > Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 4:40 PM
> > To: ga@dnso.org; Gary Osbourne
> > Subject: Re: Jeff Williams FAQ was Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [ga] HMS...
> >
> >
> > "Using MapQuest: Notice there are no buildings at the address 5 E.
> > Kirkwood, Grapevine,TX (look at aerial view) - just a dirt farm"
> >
> > Its actually more than a dirt farm now - there has been a lot of
> > development
> > in that area and Sabre is building a massive complex at the end of East
> > Grapevine. Jeff's office is however still just a dirt lot...
> >
> > See http://www.byte.org/jw/jwk1.jpg (Grapevine from the highway) ,
> > http://www.byte.org/jw/jwk2.jpg (the entrance to the new development that
> > the INEG office/datacenter/fiction is located) and
> > http://www.byte.org/jw/jwk3.jpg (the actual location of the INEG
> > office/datacenter/fiction) for a mini-tour.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -rwr
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Gary Osbourne" <gro@direct.ca>
> > To: <ga@dnso.org>
> > Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 2:12 PM
> > Subject: Jeff Williams FAQ was Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [ga] HMS...
> >
> >
> > > At 05:26 AM 05/08/02 -0700, Jeff Williams wrote:
> > >
> > > >Gary Osbourne wrote:
> > > > > Oh really? Please point to where it was published before.
> > > >
> > > >   Well the archives for this ML have a huge amount of
> > > >references for instance. Start around '99 and go forward in
> > > >time from there.. Also the NCDNHC Archives
> > > >have substantial number of posts and other references
> > > >as well.
> > >
> > > Jeff, if you can't provide even minimal pointers to your
> > > claims, as you recently failed to do for Danny Younger on
> > > the RAA, then even if people otherwise had reason to
> > > believe you, they wouldn't believe you.
> > >
> > > The VeriSign/CENTR/.ac document, which is central to the
> > > article, has only recently been published, how could it
> > > appear in any archives in 1999? It is not mostly old info
> > > as you alleged in the body and title of your response.
> > > You are being misleading, and one can only assume that
> > > that is intentional as it happens so often.
> > >
> > > >   Yes I know. But Ted is credited with the article.
> > >
> > > http://www.icannwatch.org/article.php?sid=889&mode=nested&order=1
> > >
> > > No he isn't, I am as fnord, and have been since it was
> > > published. Ted is listed as the ICANNWatch editor who
> > > published it, and has been since it was published. Here
> > > you are repeating a false assertion I have already
> > > corrected you on once, you are again being misleading,
> > > so it must be intentional. See FAQ at bottom for various
> > > other examples of Jeff Williams being misleading. I
> > > didn't write the FAQ, but I think I'll help maintain
> > > and publish it.
> > >
> > > To answer WXW's GA list question, while certainly most
> > > here well know that Jeff Williams is a net.kook and
> > > being intentionally misleading is his stock in trade,
> > > on the ICANNAtLarge list he crossposted to (and perhaps
> > > at other crosspost destinations, what happened to the
> > > GA crosspost rule?) there are a number of folks (many
> > > new to the process) who are not at least initially
> > > aware of the facts regarding Jeff Williams. So I think
> > > it should be pointed out from time to time. If Jeff
> > > Williams continues to respond to my posts, and then
> > > crossposts them to all and sundry, I suppose I will
> > > continue to respond to some of his. I am sending this
> > > separately to various of his crossposts. -g
> > >
> > > ----
> > > Jeff Williams FAQ:
> > >
> > > Why is there no web site for an organization with 124,000 people?
> > > Because it doesn't exist.
> > >
> > > The first phone number he lists in his sig file, 972-244-3801,
> > > is "out of order".
> > >
> > > Grapevine, TX Chamber of Commerce has no record of INEG Group
> > > (The original author of this FAQ telephoned them).
> > > http://www.grapevinechamber.org/members.cfm?charpass=I
> > >
> > > Jeff Williams FAQs from other lists.
> > > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc03/msg00615.html
> > > http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/08015.html
> > >
> > > Jeff Williams claiming to be a lawyer
> > > http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/05398.html
> > >
> > > Non-existence of INEG
> > > http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/02722.html
> > >
> > > Using MapQuest: Notice there are no buildings at the address 5 E.
> > > Kirkwood, Grapevine,TX (look at aerial view) - just a dirt farm
> > > http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?dtype=a&mapdata=i8rr6UmMevOWYQS5T
> > > %2f7w9XJwfQLjuDnKO8qRCWArhD7DApDOxIMQcwX%2fNZAsafl7RuNybLS51jtuWSlOHLt
> > > GjEWmnimxXgLbWJGWc6Ju4KaHkfVdWm5UtCLI%2bQhZK7zU9R%2b8SEsWzV%2bfebExpAX
> > > T3CkWS2Tv%2bc8ApW%2bXSManTwDj7ygxpGxZXrFdrcrmPQyt6P9avifn21dMOVRmsyZ9w
> > > Z0C9iO2T0thh%2f8JcJJyEg8s46rDeIuQ0V753qW9SThHcWlAh2S24a2AYK7%2fI4bQY96
> > > 2uRJjH%2bhTFgvXPeZLTUxoX%2fr5VSKNrwzTmOED5u2dCGZb8t7dIjNh4mXmWYmwcMvmI
> > > 58XgfvOVDI7Xgm9%2bWnBWHOzTWsDVQ%3d%3d
> > >
> > > --
> > > This message was passed to you via the ga@dnso.org list.
> > > Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
> > > ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> > > Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html
> > >
> >
> > --
> > This message was passed to you via the ga@dnso.org list.
> > Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
> > ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> > Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html
> >
> --
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