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[ga] Discussion on the BC

Phil Sheppard asks:  "which values of the BC and positions adopted to date by 
the BC are not shared by such content-producing individuals who run 

If Philip would like us to discuss the BC, I am happy to oblige with a short 
list of concerns (feel free to add to the list):

1.  The BC has repeatedly sought to deny representation for individuals in 
the DNSO 
2.  The BC voted for a General Assembly that is composed *only* of 
established stakeholders
3.  In spite of a Charter that mandated sectoral diversity, the BC still has 
two reps from the Telcos on the Council
4.  The BC does not care about transparency and continues to operate a closed 
non-archived discussion list
5.  Posts from A.Duff, J.Morphin, and B.James have illustrated BC abuse 
toward its small business members
6.  The BC favors reducing the public interest component by cutting the 
At-Large Directors to 5 
7.  The BC has spearheaded the evaluation of DNSO Reform and has concluded 
that all is well with no changes needed
8.  The BC heads up Task Forces that have yet to accomplish anything  -- 
still no resolution of transfer issues
9.  The BC heads up the NC -- still no policies on hoarding, warehousing, 
WHOIS, contract violations/enforcement, etc.
10.  The BC/NC seeks to deny GA participation in policy development by 
eliminating open Working Groups
11.  BC representatives have refused to allow for registrant representatives 
on the Task Forces
12.  When the ICANN Board butchered the At-Large, did the BC raise their 
voice in protest?  No.
13.  When the ICANN Board ignored the .org TF recommendations, did the BC say 
anything?  No.
14.  When ICANN created a collider in the namespace with .biz, did the BC say 
anything?  Yes.  They liked it.
15.  While other constituencies debate ICANN Director Conflict of Interest 
Charges, does the BC take a position?  No.
16.  The BC has supported a go-slow approach in the introduction of new 
gTLDs... so slow that it might never happen.
17.  The BC does not support the democratic principle of one-person/one-vote
18.  The BC continues to discriminate, with membership allowed for SITA but 
denied for new.net
19.  The BC sets its small business membership fees at $250 -- far too high 
compared to other constituencies
20.  The BC allows only one posting a day from its members -- quite conducive 
to discussion, don't you think?

Content-producing individuals who run businesses are driven by results.  The 
BC has done little to nothing to produce "results".  Even though the BC heads 
up the Council and most of the Task Forces and Committees, the job is not 
getting done.  Too many issues are left unresolved.  The Bulk WHOIS issue was 
given to the DNSO in early January (and this is an issue that affects 
business interests in particular)... yet nothing has been done, dialogue has 
not even commenced.

If this is the best that the corporates that have captured the BC can do, 
maybe it's time for a separate small business constituency.

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