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[ga] Re: How do you "rebid" a cartel ?

Damn fine points here Sir;

Let me deal with them in order if you do not mind.

Jim Fleming wrote:

> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga-full/Arc10/msg01636.html
> From: eric@hi-tek.com
> "We think a clean sheet may well be in order.  We have adopted a term
> called "a call for rebid" which is probably completely inaccurate."
> ====
> How do you "rebid" a cartel ?
> How do you prevent the same people from gaming the new system ?

Can't do it.  You cannot legislate morality, and even if you could, God forbid,
whose morality would you chose?  But I am a policy writer. I write things not to
work but how they should work.
When I think of the same people gaming I think of the same breed of wolves not
necessarily the same wolf.

> Do you understand how deeply rooted the collusion is ?
> ...and how many years of history those roots have been growing ?

I wish I did not.  But I do, in large part thanks to you.

> Also, if the DOC did "rebid" ICANN, which I imagine it will not,
> how would you stop the flow of money from the National Science Foundation
> which funds some of the underlying collusion ? Do you expect all of the
> NSF grants to be re-bid ?

Short fuse and not a good ending.  Take their do re me and accept their listen to
Yes Jim for the sake of independence I have to give up the money.  And yes the
academics may play a roll but a much lessened one.

> Once done ending all of the NSF funding,
> will you then end the DOD funding ?...and the collusion with all of the
> DOD, DARPA, ARPA, cronies?

Do we have a freaking choice?  These silly alphabet soup "cronies" should be
dealing with technical stuff that is not three years out of date anyway.  Let
ICANN, and its' successor dabble with things like the existing toy root and domain
name issues and let those combinations of letters above move on to real internet

> Will all of the funding be removed for
> all of the spooks and operatives being paid to populate the ICANN debates?
> What agencies of the U.S. Government pay those people ? Do you plan
> to "rebid" all of those activities ?

Bullshit on this one big guy.  This will remain the public information highway and
so the spooks and anyone who wants to control information will need to be
involved.  EU and CN will soon create new and cooler highways so the spooks with
also have to go there.  Plus to control matters one must ultimately fund them so
funds will always be available, it is just the price tag of those funds that jerks
like me have to watch.

> Also...
> Do you expect ARIN and NANOG to sit quietly while you "rebid" ICANN ?
> http://www.nanog.org/arin.html
> Even if ICANN were rebid, or disappeared, don't you think that ARIN
> would run everything, as they do now?...since they control .ARPA
> ARIN is now funding LACNIC, don't you think the pyramid and the
> I* society multi-level-marketing *people structure* would remain and the
> names would be changed to confuse the press and the average apathetic netizen ?

Maybe, but is the possibility of failure a reason not to try?  I think not and I
think you think not!

As far as this latest alphabet soup, they are a joke.  If they want to stay and
play in the toy zone that is their option.  Could I in good conscience advise a
Country to rely on any of them?  No.  So there is your practical answer.  I had a
great meeting with a serious ISP/ASP and all ip to ip costs me is money. Can they
handle your wacko IPv60040 million, of course.  As soon as you are ready, folks
like me will make it sexy and then it will be a reality.

> Do you plan to "rebid" or reallocate all of the 32-bit IPv4 allocations ?
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space

No Jim this is not something we "rebid" this is something we pay for out the
But why in the hell would someone pay extra dough for a 92 plymouth when he can get
a 2002 Flemming for the same price?

> Jim Fleming
> http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/130dftmail/unir.txt

God Bless NaperVille,

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