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RE: [ga] Motion asking for GA poll on rebid of ICANN contract

> 1. Idea for a motion.  Discussion of that idea, drafting of a _real_
> motion.
> 2. Support.  (May have been demonstrated during the discussion.)
> 3. Vote.

The only area of contention that I can see is the Timeframe over which those
procedures take place, hence I submitted a proposal for a Time Line Guide.

> As I said before, a lot of times: You are at the beginning of step
> one now.  Please start discussion on the substance of the motion.
> Don't do straw polls at this point of time, don't demand votes at
> this point of time.

Here we disagree. Speedy, informal polls on the list can be helpful and
revealing. The one currently underway has value by uncovering a sense of the
"hurry up" vote, which is the kiss of death to any Motion. Equally, to agree
last minute amendments and so on. Since Jamie has now suggested an extended
voting period would be acceptable, I have Revised the Time Line Guide and
submit a second DRAFT here for discussion purposes, essentially offering
more debating time and a later vote. If you don't like it, please alter
freely, but please can we just agree the timeframe in which it could go
ahead and provide a useful result, then at least we are all standing on the
same playing field and knowing what's going on.


P.S. Sorry this is a Word document, but it's not clear in plain text.

Proposed Time Line.rev1.doc

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