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[ga] backsliding

Blocking a voting or polling on a subject until there is a poll or vote
to decide if we need a poll or vote is pretty much a catch 22.  No one
asked for or seconded a motion for a vote - today.  And now there is a
debate proceeding and I only hope that TR is morally responsible enough
to fulfill his obligations as a chair.  And to due it within the time

Backsliding by my buddy Meriam and his buddy Webster;

                     One entry found for backslide.

                     Main Entry: back新lide
                     Pronunciation: -"slId
                     Function: intransitive verb
                     Inflected Form(s): back新lid  /-"slid/; -slid or
                     /-"sli-d&n/; back新lid搏ng  /-"slI-di[ng]/
                     Date: 1581
                     1 : to lapse morally or in the practice of religion

                     2 : to revert to a worse condition : RETROGRESS
                     - back新lid搪r  /-"slI-d&r/ noun

The GA is always on the verge of collapse because it is always on the
verge of suffering from just enough of the last ingredient it needs to
totally fail; Apathy.

Thanks to all who participate, it is a thin line that keeps us from


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