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[ga] VeriSign WHOIS database research and development project

The following notice was recently posted to the registrars list:

VeriSign and the Chamber of Commerce invite you to participate in an open
forum to discuss the future of the WhoIs database research and development
project.  VeriSign is working on investing time and resources into a more
advanced infrastructure for a universal WhoIs service. You are invited to
participate in the discussion on August 15th,10:00am to 12:00 Noon at the
Chamber of Commerce, 1615 H St., N.W.Washington, DC.  If you have specific
suggestions for the type of research and development project that VeriSign
should undertake, please come prepared to make a five minute presentation.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to your participation.  
Please RSVP to Shane Tews at stews@verisign.com <mailto:stews@verisign.com>,

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