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RE: [ga] competition ?

Peter de Blanc wrote:-
Does anyone think their (VeriSign's) market share will decrease with new
gTLDs in the marketplace?

- Not me, and to back this up, let me quote a Domain rookie:-

"Good Dot Coms are not getting any cheaper.  

Personally, I would never purchase anything but DOT COMs because I want
emails sent to me.  A couple of DOT net owners I know are having this exact
problem.  Their customers are sending email to DOT coms.  And now the DOT
COM owners are threatening to sue for infringement.      

However, if you have a domain that a drunk man can remember the next
morning, you've got yourself an asset.

Domain names are no different from any other commodity.  The right buyer
will beat down doors to find the owner of a good name.  And this person
will pay any price.  

This can be related to books, personal electronics, apparel, even real
estate.  For a nonbuyer it is a price issue.  For a targeted buyer, it's
how soon you can sell it.  

Infomercials don't sell goods for $129, not 99, not 59, in fact not even
49, but just two payments of 24.95.

A piece of real estate could be appraised for 100K, and sold for 90k-110K. 
To the right buyer, he might just pay 150K.  Why?  Because he likes the
extra sunlight in the living room. 

I tend to agree that mortgage.com is worth more than
several million dollars.  The current owner has assets over 500 billion. 
Anytime someone types in emortgage, imortgage, abcmortgage, greatmortgage,
or anything else mortgage, they will be advertising for mortgage.com.  

Similarly, greatloans.com, abcloans, anything else loans.com will send
traffic to loans.com.


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