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[ga] Re: Illicit candidacies for DNSO Board seats

Michael Sondow wrote:

>The NC resolution on DNSO Board seats
>states that: "The Names Council has resolved that
>a candidate, in order to be nominated must have the support of, at
>least, 10 members of the General Assembly. For this purpose, anybody
>who is subscribed to the General Assembly mailing list, the Announce
>mailing list or the list of one of the Constituencies of the DNSO is
>considered a member of the General Assembly."

Interesting point.  This should be easy to check.  This is a call for the
*immediate* production of a list of subscribers to the GA, DNSO announce
and the constituency membership mailing lists.

If the Names Council is mandated to facilitate the election of the DNSO
representatives, then its first task should be to assure that all those in
the running have met the requirements.

To that end, subscribing to the mailing list has to predate the the
statement of support.  How many candidates will we lose by requesting the
Names Council sticks to its own resolution (see above) on this matter?

>Does the NC pretend that supporters of candidates must be members of
>a DNSO mailing list but not the candidates themselves?

Apparently that situation was not anticipated in the documents I could find.

Copies of this message will be sent to all the Names Council members
because I do not know whether they all read the GA list.

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
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Tiburon, CA                        W   W               erony@marin.k12.ca.us
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