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Re: [ga] What makes a corporation?

On 7 May 2001, at 19:25, Bruce James wrote:

> The business constituency is open to small businesses.  The opportunity is
> there.  You can't make people take advantage of it.  There are dozens and
> dozens of small businesses represented on these lists, more than enough to
> be extremely effective in the business constituency.

And the bigger the business, the more votes they have.  You really 
think that a sole proprietor fits with the MCI Worldcoms?  It is the 
corporations of the type in the business constituency who are preying 
upon the individual and small business domain name holders.  The 
membership fees are descriptive of the balance of power.  That's the 
reason for the need of a constituency to allow the small business a 

> But then they wouldn't be able to complain about not being represented,
> would they?
> --
> Kent Crispin               

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