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RE: [del-com] Transferred from Bruce Tonkin

> The issue was raised by Jane for the IPC. The majority of the 
> TF members
> supported doing something, or at least notifying the panel of the
> expiration date.

I missed the call last night, so this might have been raised. Why can't
the dispute resolution provider or the applicant use Whois and write
down the date themselves. They are getting paid to do so, Registrars,
Registries and the Respondants typically aren't.

I did like some of the "extenuating circumstances" mutterances that I've
heard. It might be appropriate to deal with it in that manner.

[More cogent thoughts later - I've finally had a chance to read Bruce's
doc - now I just need to find a few minutes to gather the notes into a
readable statement...]


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-del-com@dnso.org [mailto:owner-del-com@dnso.org] 
> On Behalf Of Tim Ruiz
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 2:39 PM
> To: 'Ross Wm. Rader'; del-com@dnso.org
> Subject: RE: [del-com] Transferred from Bruce Tonkin
> The issue was raised by Jane for the IPC. The majority of the 
> TF members
> supported doing something, or at least notifying the panel of the
> expiration date.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ross Wm. Rader [mailto:ross@tucows.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 5:51 AM
> To: Tim Ruiz; del-com@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [del-com] Transferred from Bruce Tonkin
> > 3.2.1 through 3.2.7
> >
> >
> >
> > The main problem, as I see it, with removing these recommendations
> entirely is that it may make it difficult to reach a concensus.
> Why is that? I haven't followed the discussions of the TF closely and
> wouldn't mind some context...
>                      -rwr
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