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Re: [council] Stockholm NC agenda

I see a question mark behind item 4 and I'd like to further
question the need for that. It seems to me that addition of 
.info and .biz is well out of the hands of the DNSO at this
point. Is there some policy issue that remains that justifies
its occupation of such a substantial chunk of the agenda?

I am not interested in sitting through a marketing presentation
for any TLD.

Second, I insist that agenda item 3 be labeled properly. The
current title "authoritative vs.  experimental" betrays a 
certain lack of understanding of what is at issue. If we were
simply dealing with "experiments" none of the policy issues
raised would be significant at all. 

Please title it properly, as suggested some time ago: 

"Multiple DNS roots: technical, economic and policy problems."

>>> "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@aim.be> 05/22/01 09:41AM >>>
Following discussion within the Intake Committee here is the agenda for Stockholm.

Stockholm June 2 14.00 - 17.00 Room K2

1. Update on Business Plan
UDRP - Caroline Chicoine (10 mins)
WhoIs - Paul Kane (10 mins)
Internationalised names (10 mins)
Review (20 mins)

TLDs - Review of decision to postpone new NC interim committee until the first new TLD members of the NC is appointed - Philip Sheppard (10 mins)

2. Presentation by GA chair of GA work agenda Danny Younger (15 mins)

3. Authoratative and experimental roots - presentation on the policy aspects of the issue 
Grant Forsyth (15 mins)

4. New gTLDs implementation  ?
Presentation by dot biz (10 mins) + (15 mins questions)
Presentation by dot info (10 mins) + (15 mins questions)
(Plus any other new TLD that has finalized accreditation agreements by then?) 

5. Dot org - process to change Registry -  Paul Kane (15 min)

6. Multi-lingual outreach - ICANN secretariat update (10 mins)

7. DNSO secretary and sponsorship update  - Erica Roberts/Roger Cochetti (15 mins)

8. AOB 

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