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[council] Hiro Hotta

Hiro asked me to forward this. Hiro is was good to have your contributions on the NC and we look forward to seeing you in Stockholm in your new role.
Dear all the Names Council members,

I left ISPCP after Melbourne meetings as I changed my job. I am sure ISPCP
Constituency is holding (or has held) an election of the replacement of me.

I left NTT, which is a member of ISPCP Constituency,  at the end of this
March. Since then, I cannot be a member of ISPCP or Names Council
representing ISPCP following the Articles of ISPCP. This is why I said "I'm
stepping down from the Names Council" in the NC meeting in Melbourne.

Since I left NTT, my mail account in NTT became unavailable. So the mails to
"h.hotta@hco.ntt.co.jp" haven't reached me since April.

Thank you all for accepting me as a member of NC. It was a great pleasure
and experience for me.

I'll be in Stockholm ICANN meetings as I now work for JPRS which operates
.jp. I look forward to seeing you in Stockholm.

Best regards,
Hiro <hotta@jprs.jp>

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