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[wg-review] proposal draft revisions

Upon the suggestions of Joanna Lane and Rod Dixon, the following
revisions have been made to the text of the proposal draft.

-the preface now reads:


The origin of this report lies in the generally unanimous
acknowledgement of problems within the current Domain Name Support
Organization (“DNSO”), with respect to its conception as outlined in
ARTICLE VI-B of the ICANN Bylaws.  Estimates of the degree of impairment
of the DNSO among members of WGr vary, but broadly speaking, a general
consensus largely cedes the problematic character of the body to some
extent.  Indeed, the very issuance of the ICANN Board of Directors’
Resolutions 01.28 and 01.29* verifies the Board’s (“BoD”) assessment of
the deficient nature of the DNSO, and underscores the need for
substantive proposals and recommendations for remedying any identified
shortcomings or flaws in the DNSO.  As a result, this paper will include
proposals by members of the WGr with respect to certain perceived DNSO
problem areas, and is therefore not intended as an exhaustive or
adequate reflection of the WGr as a whole.

-the Recommendation in the Representation Section (C), now reads:

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board immediately call for
the formation of an Individual Domain Name Holders' Constituency (IC).
The IC shall be a self-organized Constituency Group within the DNSO. To
ensure that the IC is representative of its constituents and is
self-organized, no existing ICANN organization or any other
self-appointed committee/group, including, but, not limited to the NC or
any present
constituency within the GA, may direct the coordination of constituency
formation efforts.  To that end, those who are working to organize the
IC should inform ICANN of those efforts by participation on an e-mail
list to
be established by the DNSO Secretariat. IC organizers are reminded that
they are required to operate to the maximum extent feasible in an open
and transparent manner and consistent with procedures designed to ensure

fairness. It is further recommended that the Board call for the
establishment of the IC without delay in order to provide sufficient
time for the IC to establish its proposal for the Board's recognition at
the ICANN meeting in Stockholm. During the formation process, the IC
organizers should prepare without undue delay an appropriate
statement(s) of their criteria for participation in the IC and their
planned process for selecting Names Council members. These statement(s)
will be distributed to the ICANN Board and posted on the ICANN web site.

Keep the comments and suggestions coming folks...

Sotiris Sotiropoulos
        Working Chair, WG Review

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