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RE: [wg-review] Multilingualism

Eric Dierker wrote:-
My teenage daughter has more in common with a teenager from Egypt and I
more in common with a father from Tibet.  And yet the biggest danger for all
is the
failure to communicate.  Therefor the greatest goal is to communicate and to
each other.

Eric et al,
This is an interesting point. To communicate with a child effectively, you
have to "walk with them", meaning play on their terms, hence peer group
pressure overrides fatherly concern. This does not change with maturity,
only the horizons, and translating ICANN documents into other languages is
not going to do it. I don't have the answer, but traditionally,
Entertainment reaches across language, educational and cultural barriers -
of the " Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Beatles" and "Happy Meal"
variety.  A picture speaks a 1000 words. ICANN has no pictures, no image,
only words. This is a major problem. It has always been my contention that
the success of outreach and education is dependant upon partnerships with
the Entertainment industry, and certainly, there is money to be made there.
You cannot educate without outreach. You cannot outreach without a good
story. Right now, my money is on the shoeshine boy. If you could post his
photo to this list, you would strike at the heart and give your mission a
human face to generate a level of interest that it does not have currently.

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