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RE: Okay, Let's Delegate Ourselves - [wg-review] Re: Voters should indicate t hey voted!

Does anyone in this WG agree that this WG should quickly address and fix its
voting process?

Yes or No?

Derek Conant>

- No. It'll do. Until we reach the point where an illiterate farmer with no
electricity can access the internet, no group can claim balanced
representation of all stakeholder interests, so I fail to follow the logic.
If we change course now, we will not meet the deadline for the Work Plan,
which rather defeats the purpose of having a voting procedure in place at

The time and place to revisit this, if at all, would be "Standardized
procedures" and at that time, I have further points to make about member's
making a limited declaration of their interests as a signature to each post.
From now on, I will do this voluntarily.

Joanna Lane
Not a member of any Constituency

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