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RE: [wg-review] Reply-To: sotiris@hermesnetwork.com

-Greg Burton <sidna@feedwriter.com> wrote:

>Um, was your report ready to be voted on? If so, I apologize for not
>scheduling a vote - I was under the impression you were producing several
>more reports before we adopted them.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:-
Actually, my report was divided into three sections of relevance.  The first
section, which *was*
submitted, dealt with the DNDEF question, in and of itself.  The other two
sections of the report deal with
Procedure and Outreach, respectively.  Since my first report was effectively
ignored, I have been loth to continue
report submissions, until I understand exactly what is going on in this WG.

- what is the date/URL for your report?

(As for the remuneration question... at least now we know that Roeland,
yourself, and myself, are not being payed
to be here.)

- Please add my name to the list of those who are giving up their own time
to be here, are not paid and are out of pocket.
My teleconference bill was USD $30.00.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos
          Hermes Network, Inc.

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