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[wg-review] To ccTLD representatives...

hello, ccTLD represenatives,

> [Joanna]  I just think we could save time if we knew what the ccTLD's want
> first, and in particular, from this WG.
> Hello ccTLDs, do you have any position papers to clarify the issues for

WG-review members are pretty much interested in ccTLD issues
and multilingual environment in the icann for its recommendation.
Can you help us to proceed with these challenging issues?

1. [DNSO Structure Discussion] ccTLD should be in the DNSO?
2. If not, what could be the potential model
3. [NET Sovereignty] If so, what kind of relations should there
     be between ccTLD and ICANN
4. What kind of relations among ccTLD vs ICANN vs GAC


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