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Re: [wg-review] Re(2): [cctld-discuss] Comments on review of DNSO by Mr Park

Eberhard W Lisse wrote:

> Besides the fact that German is my native language this statement is
> such UTTER, NAUSEATING nonsense, that I had to medicate myself when
> reading it.

really, nonsense - I'll help you out with the statistics of web usage. Its
topheavy in the northern European countries. UK, Scandinavian countries,
Germany. There is a much larger digital divide in the southern countries.
France still suffers from extremely high telecom fees, which retards usage of
the Net there. (my uncle in France complains pretty frequently about his phone
bill) Numbers of Internet users and businesses are important, simply because
they are the ones currently using the system. 

Germany had ISDN net access while most of America was still using a 28-56k
modem. Gee, now since I've gone back and forth between countries, maybe I had
time to notice I was accessing the Net slower in the US... ISDN is generally
not even a service you can order in the US (if you can order it, its
horrendously expensive), cable and adsl are still mostly available only in
large cities. It took forever to get digital cellular networks there too. We
have taken GSM for granted for a long time here in Germany... the MP3 group is
in Munich... same with DAB... 

Greece for example - my friend there has terribly slow connections, no ISDN,
ADSL, or cable. 
> >> and has a higher percentage of Internet users and businesses
> >> compared to most other European countries.
> But, they have all had English in School, and in particular the people
> involved in the DNS ALL speak English, without exception.

In the DNS, perhaps. But where I have been working, many of the webmasters do
NOT speak english. NOT AT ALL. I have to speak German with them. Most of the
people in my town do not speak English - so if someone gets UDRP'ed here (there
are a few people with businesses on the Net even in my village), they might not
even be able to fully read the decision. Or really understand what the UDRP is
in the first place. Or be able to participate in a process to change a UDRP
that affects them. 

Sure, they had English in school. Well, I had French and Spanish in school. My
command of both languages is pretty abysmal, although I can read both languages
a bit. So what. If you don't actually get to exercise the language skills you
learned in school on a frequent basis, you will forget how to speak the
language. That goes for English too.

or is ICANN only for people involved with DNS and not interesting for people
that simply make their living on the Web? Is that really your main point? hm,
all I keep thinking about are things like 'strategic inflection points' since
so many of us pretty normal people all of a sudden started spouting the same
sorts of 'nonsense' that nobody close to ICANN seems to 'get'. 

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