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[wg-review] [TRANSLATIONS]

Only a supported national structure within each country could handle such a question at this point in time.  This issue brings us back to the question of a 
viable and democratic constituency structure.  Something along the model of the U.N. must be seriously considered.  Earlier in our discussion I submitted 
the following questions:

"Perhaps all nations could submit representations in five categories: (1) ccTLD registry/technical  (2) individuals/sole proprietors (3) corporate  (4)
education/non-profit (5) government?  How many countries at last count?  All told, with a single representative in each category, it will probably run some
1500?? or so (very rough estimate, would appreciate exact figure...).  From within each of the resulting 5 global constituencies, an equal number of
representatives will send an equal number of Chairs to Council/Board.  Does it ultimately come down to 5 equal votes at the top? or more?"

These national constituencies would have their own translators from the pooling of resources (according to Peter deBlanc, the ccTLDs already get the 
goods for free).  

Sotiris Sotiropoulos
          Hermes Network, Inc.

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