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Re: [wg-review] 11. IDNH Centers of Interest

Joop, I wasn't aware I had to vote for the IDNO or the IDNH. By posting it that way it makes it easy to say neither has any consensus when we are supposedly fighting for the same thing. All but one voted for one or the other, but that still effectively makes it appear split. Was this your idea or someone else's?
If Individual Domain Name Holders, which is what I thought IDNH stood for have a chance to form a decent proposal, they can not be split on the issue. Just because we are also examining what the membership requirements are does not mean we are divided on topic and goals. Why would you think splitting the two would achieve anyone's goals?
If it was not your idea, then I pose the question to whoever thought it was a good idea. It is my impression that we are not pushing a particular group, just trying to gain a constituency for Individual Domain Name Holders. Holders for this purpose was a better description than Owners since Domain Names are not currently assessed as property.
I would like someone to clarify this for me. Preferrably someone who voted for one or the other and not he one who voted against both.
Chris McElroy aka NameCritic

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