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Re: [wg-review] Bill of Particulars


Please, try to keep your facts straight. The non-commercial constituency has provided $4000 of the $5000 requested, which is, as I understand, about $4000 more than the ISP constituency. 

But fundamentally I agree - we do have to pony up, and the struggle of some constituencies to do so is one of the problems that needs to go onto the bill of particulars. It is one of the problems of the DNSO.

Now try to understand this problem in a deeper, less accusatory way. You represent an industry organization with a direct, simple, financial interest in domain name registration. All of their business is domain names. Of course it's no problem to get them to provide .001 percent of their revenues to support the cartel--er, ah....self-regulatory agency.

We represent a group of organizations that have almost nothing in common save their non-commercial nature, who make no money on domain name registrations, and if you asked the executives of these organizations about domain name policy, it would be off their radar screen unless some disaster happened, such as being threatened with the loss of a domain name. (Try marching into a faculty senate meeting and telling a university with 124 curriculum changes, 200 program budgets to approve and hundreds of other items related to their core mission that they should expend a significant amount of staff time or money on the formulation of domain name policy. It isn't easy.)

Is it really so difficult for you to understand that distinction? I would hope that as chair of the Names Council, you would try to rise above partisan, narrow constituency perspectives and look at the bigger picture. The DNSO leadership's constant refusal to do so is one of the reasons we're here.

It would be enlightened self-interest on your part to stop viewing us as troublemakers and realize that the DNSO needs critical input and participation from civil society to achieve legitimacy. 

>>> Digitel - Ken Stubbs <kstubbs@digitel.net> 01/03/01 11:06AM >>>

given the materiality of the contributions requested, this seems to me and
many others like simple whining!!
educational institutions, non-profit foundations etc. are all funded in
order to make them viable & effective. for almost 2 years now we keep
getting what seems to be "lame" excuses about the ability of this
constituancy to come up with $5000.   it just isnt going to fly that far
milton. in fact  it just doesnt make sense  !!

get some of these heterogeneous organizations you talk about here to
contribute. it certainly is a "cause & an advocacy" worth fostering .. isn't
it ?

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