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Re: [wg-review] Nominations for the WG co-chair elections

It was kind of those who put my name forth as a possible candidate
for co-chair of this Working Group. However, for a number of
reasons, not the least of which is that I have not been
participating directly in the DNSO for the past year, I cannot
accept the nomination.

Karl Auerbach speaks for many of my own positions regarding the
DNSO, but he is a Board member and therefore perhaps not the best
choice for co-chairing this group.

In my opinion Milton Mueller is the wisest selection to co-chair
this WG, if he wants the task. Milton is the foremost analyst of
ICANN's formation, as his published writings on it demonstrate. He
knows its history as well as anyone, and he knows what needs to be
done to make ICANN responsive to all on an equitable basis.
Importantly, what Dr. Mueller says carries weight. If he has chaired
the WG, and if it is he who submits the final report, no one will be
able to ignore it or give it short shrift.

For these reasons I suggest that Milton Mueller be chosen as

Michael Sondow

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