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End-User- definition and participation and at-large - was RE: [wg-review] Consensus

The ICANN at-large group does exist. Whether or not we are happy with the
voting methods, PIN, outreach, etc, it DOES exist, and, has elected Board

I have heard on this list that Individual Domain Name Holders might "lose"
their domains due to UDRP, hence, fall out of INDNH constituency, and lose

It seems that there is room for them in "at-large"

In a sense, at-large represents anyone and everyone.

Why not "recommend" as part of our output do some organizational work on
"at-large" to make it more viable and functional  as a means of global

peter de Blanc

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-wg-review@dnso.org [mailto:owner-wg-review@dnso.org]On
Behalf Of Michael Bracker
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 5:22 PM
To: Michael Sondow
Cc: DNSO Review List
Subject: Re: [wg-review] Consensus


On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Michael Sondow wrote:
> There has never been any consensus and there never
> will be so long as the user base of the Internet is not polled,
> something that ICANN is the last entity in the world to want to do,
> as has been proven by its exclusion of any real end-users from the
> DNSO, because such a poll would turn in results diametrically
> opposed to those of the board.

how do you define end-user? Do you define an end-user as a user not having
a domain, not being interested in ICANN and just surfing once or twice a
week? Is a "real end-user" someone who is interested in ICANN, the DNSO
and to make this ICANN a better one? Is an end-user everyone who just
accesses the NET (=> everyone)?

I personally believe the 1st end-users are not even participating in this
WG nor in the DNSO nor in ICANN at all. The other so-called "end-users" do
have a right to express their opinions and help make ICANN a better one.

There are - end users or not - for sure always people who fight for their
point of view and do not see why to make any compromise. These people
would be my choice to exclude (not possible but my private opinion

However, if you still tink there are any users who should be excluded
please give a definition if these (perhaps in a PM because _I_ think there
are more imprtand things to discuss).

Thank you,

Michael Bracker  - if it is to be
Bavaria, Germany - it is up to me

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