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[wg-d] Work Product

In reviewing the archives of this list, I noted that David Johnson 
provided a helpful list several weeks ago of things that should be 
included in a Working Group's report. What do prople think? Anything to 
add, revise?

    -- Bret

David Johnson wrote:
>The template should include, at a minimum:
>1.  a clear and concise statement of the proposition 
>    as to which consensus is to be suggested.
>2.  an full analysis of who might be impacted, in 
>    what ways, by such a policy.
>3.  a summary of past discussions (within and outside 
>    the wg) and the history of exchanges of views on 
>    the proposed policy.
>4.  a record of affirmative outreach to the impacted 
>    communities.
>5.  a summary and analysis of evidence as to how 
>    the impacted groups (not just the wg members) feel 
>    about the proposed policy.
>6.  a fair statement of points in opposition and a 
>    substantive analysis of their merits and the intensity 
>    of the opposition.
>7.  a summary of the best arguments for adoption of the 
>    policy.
>8.  additional factual materials relevant to an analysis 
>    of the policy.
>9.  an analysis of whether and how the proposed policy 
>    implicates the interests of other SOs
>10. an analysis of the risks and costs of moving forward 
>    with the policy despite any noted opposition.