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Re: [wg-c] A recommendation for Working Group C to meet ICANN's policy on public participation

It's good to see some pressure to move things forward. I agree with many of
these procedural comments and intersperse some of my own comments below:

bob broxton wrote:

> Working Group C could be subjected
> to criticism and possible challenge that the public was never given
> sufficient information so as to be able to provide meaningful comments
> on key decisions by the working group.

By way of historical background, up to now, most of the criticism directed
at this working group has come from people who think we have spent too much
time and have had too many comments....and that the group is "too open"

> The Interim Report issued on October 23,1999, speaks  in terms of
> "rough consensus"  on two issues (See Interim Report, p.2 "Rough
> Consensus") but does not provide a detailed analysis of the pros and
> cons on these issues.

Actually the "heart" of the report is the 6-10 consensus, and comments on
the position papers are supposed to provide us with guidance as to how to
attack the areas that the group does not agree on.

> In my opinion it would totally unfair to obtain
> comments on the Interim Report and then discuss new issues and new
> consensus positions in the Final Report, if Working Group C does not
> request another round of public comments.

I think everyone agrees with this. There are still many unresolved issues.
There will be another round of comments. That is implicit in the term
"interim report."

> be undermined and motives of "rush to judgment" attributed to the study

As noted before, the rap on WG-C has seldom included the words "rush"

> I believe Working Group C should announce up front that Working Group C
> will issue a "Draft Final Report" for public comments. Working Group C
> should address the comments received on the Interim Report in the Draft
> Final Report.

I agree.

> Working Group C could then study the comments received on
> the Draft Final Report and discuss these comments in the Final Report.
> Any members of Working Group C who disagreed with either the Draft Final
> Report or Final Report could write dissenting opinions.  The issuance of
> dissenting opinions should not be allowed to delay our issuing the Final
> Report - we need to move as expeditiously as possible (while making sure
> we afford the public the opportunity to comment on all key issues) in
> finishing the assigned work of  the group and issuing a final report.

Good proposal.