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Re: [IFWP] Re: [dnso.discuss] Modifications to ICIIU Guidelines a nd NCDNHC definition

Hi Michael,
	The point is very clear. The clearest of them is actually COMTELCA
as it draws very close similarities to what you claim discredits ISOC.
COMTELCA is an association where ALL its members are commercial TELCOs. They
setup COMTELCA so that they would be able to have a neutral platform to talk
among themselves (so as to forward their private commercial interests).
ISOC also has commercial members, but the similarity ends there. ISOC
actually has a large amount of private individuals as members. COMTELCA
	Iperdome has it's own private "non-commercial" front in there.
Another one of your 100% non-commercial organizations sells books over the
net (seems commercial to me). Another one wants hits on its electronic mag
because each hit generates some cash through the banners, etc...

I am NOT saying that the organizations you list are non-commercial, but
rather that the way you try to define non-commercial is unsustainable.
You state that ISOC is NOT non-commercial, but then you accept COMELCA as
being non-commercial (check out the members and activities of COMELCA).

non-commercial is a very subjective definition when applied to any
organization, as you have already seen before. First you tried to throw out
".com" registrations, then you tried to impose presentation of a paid
domain name slip before accepting entry to a conference you unsuccessfully
tried to hijack.

For any constituency to have a defined membership, if you want to *impose*
restrictions on it, then there have to be a series of OBJECTIVE and
verifiable criteria that can be applied on those members. I have the feeling
that "non-commercial domain holders constituency" is something very fuzzy
and un-enforceable. If you can't enforce it, don't try. Instead list
guidelines and recomendations which are up to each individual
company/person/organization to decide whether it adheres to them or not.
It's too big a can of worms otherwise (as you continue to prove).

Yours, John Broomfield.

> I don't know what your point is. All the organizations listed as
> supporters of the ICIIU are legitimate non-commercial organizations
> using the Internet for non-commercial reasons, as is the ICIIU
> itself.
> On the other hand, below is a partial list of the organizational
> members of ISOC, taken from their website. "*" = founding member. 
> 3Com*
> America Online, Inc.*
> Ameritech*
> Compaq*
> AT&T  Labs*
> Cisco Systems, Inc.*
> France Telecom*
> GTE Corporation*
> IBM*
> Intel Corporation*
> J.P. Morgan*
> MCI Communications Corporation*
> Microsoft*
> Network Associates*
> Novell, Inc.*
> Oracle Corporation*
> PSINet, Inc.*
> Siemens AG*
> Sprint*
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
> Telstra*
> Alis Technologies, Inc.
> ARTEL, Inc.
> Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
> Adobe Systems
> Crawford Communications, Inc.
> CyberCash, Inc.
> Deutsche Telekom AG
> Dun & Bradstreet
> Ericsson
> Federal Express
> Fujitsu Limited
> Tektronix, Inc.
> Teledesic Corporation
> Teleglobe International Corporation
> Time Warner Telecom, Inc.
> Geneva Financial Center
> Hitachi, Ltd.
> Rabobank
> John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
> O'Reilly and Associates
> Korea Telecom Corp.
> Lucent Technologies
> NEC Corporation
> Merita Bank Ltd.
> Macmillan Computer Publishing
> Hongkong Telecom
> Infonet Services Corporation