DNSO General Assembly
Basic outline of the voting process
b05, 2 motions for the DNSO GA

21 May 2001


  1. A ballot is prepared.

    A ballot starts with line "BEGIN" and ends with line "END__".

    It is like this:

     b05:KabcdZ:[ ] Yes, I agree on motion "Individuals' Constituency"
     b05:KabcdZ:[ ] No, I disagree on motion "Individuals' Constituency"
     b05:KabcdZ:[ ] Yes, I agree on motion "to fund the DNSO"
     b05:KabcdZ:[ ] No, I disagree on motion "to fund the DNSO"
    Motion "Individuals' Constituency"
    The General Assembly of the DNSO resolves to express its support
    for the immediate acknowledgement of an Individuals' Constituency
    (a constituency of Individual Domain Name holders) by the ICANN
    Board in accordance with its Bylaws. The General Assembly of the
    DNSO recommends to the ICANN Board that it place either the creation
    of such an Individuals' Constituency or the "approval in principle"
    on its agenda for a decision at the Stockholm plenary session.
    Motion "to fund the DNSO and all other ICANN Supporting Organizations"
    The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby petitions the ICANN Board
    to fund the DNSO and all other ICANN Supporting Organizations with
    funding adequate for the operation and administration of such
    Supporting Organizations (all monies donated to be allocated
    and disbursed from ICANN central accounts). The General Assembly
    of the DNSO further asks for formal inclusion in the overall
    ICANN Budgetary process.
  2. Ballot is assigned a number (first field in a line), here "b05" -- ballot number 05 (it is the fifth ballot submitted to the GA vote since January 2000).

  3. Ballot is personalised. Each line indicates who is voting.

  4. The second field, here between "b05" and "FirstName_LastName", indicate a personalised code given for this ballot to this person. A personalised code is 6 caracteres, starting with "K", ending with "Z", here "KabcdZ".

  5. Do not edit a ballot. Just put an "X" between square brackets [ ] if you give your vote to a statement written in a line.

    You cast one vote, no more.

  6. A ballot will arrive From: "gavote@dnso.org" -- please reply without CC to any list.

  7. You will receive an aknowledge of your ballot within 48 hours.

Information from:
© DNSO GA's Chair