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[comments-gtlds] I support Position Paper E

I am a library technician employed by the Union of British Columbia
Indian Chiefs in their Vancouver, BC, Canada office.  My duties include
providing reference and research assistance for the nations of BC, as
well as to students of the Institute of Indigenous Government, a
post-secondary college dedicated to decolonization of 'all' minds, as
well as teaching students the skills needed for community and someday
national self-government.

For myself, as an information seeker and provider, having DNS for
Indigenous peoples of North America would make research simpler.  All I
would have to do is go to sites with the Indigenous peoples DNS. I could
ignore the false-lead .coms and .orgs.   
Also, I would know that when I point a student to an "Indigenous DNS"
site I am assured they are going to find genuine, approved, factual
information. It is going to be information which has not been
misappropriated, e.g. oral stories, songs, spiritual teachings or
ceremonies recounted without permission, or which should not be public
knowledge at all. Views and opinions, working models, position papers,
case studies, statistics, etc. etc. etc. on the legal, economic,
political, social, cultural issues and concerns of Indigenous peoples
will be from the people involved. I would know I and my students are
getting real firsthand facts from the people who are experiencing and
formulating the knowledge before offering it online.  
And yes, having a primary Indigenous server puts the Indigenous
peoples/nations where they belong--independant and sovereign not
subordinate to the Colonizer. 
An Indigneous peoples DNS is a necessity if the world is to hear the
"genuine voices" of the Indigenous peoples of North America (and
	Lorraine Brooks
Ooriginal message received: Tribal College Librarians listserv -
University of Montana)