DNSO - Registrar Constituency Membership Form

The Registrar Constituency of the Domain Name Supporting Organization ("DNSO") is one of the initial constituencies of the DNSO, according to Article VI-b, Section 3 of the ICANN Bylaws. The purpose of the Registrar Constituency is to represent the views and interests of professional domain name registrars within the DNSO in all matters and issues of its responsibility according to ICANN bylaws.

According to the founding Bylaws enacted by the DNSO Registrar Constituency group in Berlin Germany, your company is entitled to join as a member of this group. If your company is interested in joining, you must designate a single representative to act on your company’s behalf. You may provide a list of addition representatives that you may wish to be included in the mailing lists and other correspondence.

Please Check One Box:

The undersigned is interested in participating in this DNSO Constituency Group and hereby designates __________________________________________ to act as its official representative with the authority to vote on all issues before the Constituency. Representative’s e-mail: _________________________________.

The undersigned is not interested in participating in the DNSO Registrar Constituency Group at this time, but reserves the right to seek membership at a latter time.


___________________________________ ______________________________

(Company Name) (Marketing Contact if applicable)

___________________________________ ______________________________

(Company Official - Print) (Technical Contact if applicable)

___________________________________ ______________________________

(Company Official - Signature) (Legal Contact if applicable)


(Company Official’s Title)





Please print, complete and then fax this form back to the DNSO Registrar Interim Secretariat at 1-561-741-7881 – to the attention of Michael D. Palage. Participation in the Registrar Constituency is open to other member’s in your organization. However, your company is only entitled to cast one vote.