ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO

ccTLD Administrative Committee teleconference minutes


ccTLD Administration Committee Teleconferencing - summary

  Date: 2000.6.20 1300-1400 GMT

Discussed on the following items.


1. Review of Previous Teleconference Summary

2. Agenda Update

3. ccTLD Working Groups

3.1 ICANN Service

The document is stable, and decided to ask Nii and Eva to post the document
to cctld-discuss and for public comment.
3.2 Best Practice and Redelegation

The first part on Best Practice is stable, and asked Antony to post to for public comment with appropriate cover letter.  The second
part on Redelegation was posted to cctld-discuss this week.  Due to lack of
time, we asked Antony to post to next week after revising the
text based on comment he receives from cctld-discuss this week.

3.3 ccTLD Funding to ICANN

The ccTLD funding scheme based on voluntary effort based on the band set
by the ccTLD constituency was posted to cctld-discuss last week, and it is
reasonably stable.  We asked Peter to post the proposal to cctld-discuss
and for public comment as well as other relevant parties.

3.4 ccTLD Bylaws

There are two or more proposals as well as volunteers on this issue.  We
asked Peter to post the proposals to cctld-adcom and cctld-discuss.  We 
hope we can stablize the document in Yokohama to be ratified by the end of
July 2000 so that we could go ahead on the election of Names Council members
from ccTLD constituency.

4. Interim ccTLD Secretariat

The two-week long vote resulted in 34 votes for AF-AP Proposal and 9 votes for
NZ Proposal.  We believe that we have consensus on the AF-AP Proposal with
clear majority, and requested AFNIC-AP Joint Secretary(THNIC) to start the
Interim ccTLD Secretariat activity immediately.  There will be the Interim
ccTLD Secretariat Meeting on July 11(1800-2000) with participants from

We also decided to ask contribution to support the secretariat work.  
The detail will be announced by the election coordinator, Mr. Peter de Blanc.

5. Yokohama Meetings - Proposal

The following meeting schedule was discussed, and will go ahead if ccTLD
constituency agrees.

2000.7.11 1700-1900 Interim ccTLD Secretariat Meeting   Intercontinental(2906)
     7.12 0900-1800 ccTLD Constituency Meeting           
             0900-1000 AdCom                            Intercontinental(2906)
             1000-1100 Pre-Meeting(ICANN Funding WG)    "
             1100-1200 Pre-Meeting(ccTLD Bylaws WG)     "
             1300-1430 Plenary Meeting                  Kaiyotei(Sakura)
             1430-1600 ICANN Service WG                 "
             1600-1800 Best Practice & Redelegation WG  "
     7.13 0900-1800 ccTLD Constituency Meeting          Pacifico(Ball Room East)
             0900-1030 Best Practice & Redelegation WG  "
             1030-1200 ICANN Funding WG                 "
             1300-1800 Plenary Meeting                  "
             1800-1900 Drafting Meeting                 Intercontinental(2906)
     7.13 0900-1200 ICANN Orientation Meeting           Pacifico(501)
     7.13 1800-2000 DNSO/Constituency Secretariat       Pacifico(514)
     7.14 0700-0900 ccTLD AdCom                         Intercontinental(2906)
     7.14 0700-0900 WG-E Meeting(tentative)             Pacifico(513)
     7.14 0900-1800 DNSO Meeting(GA, NC)                Pacifico(101)
     7.15 0900-1899 ICANN Open Forum                    Pacifico(101)
     7.16 0900-1200 ICANN Board Meeting                 Pacifico(101)
     7.16 0900-1800 Joint Workshop on DNSsec            Pacifico(413)
     7.17 0900-1800 Jt Workshop on Multilingual Names   Pacifico(501)
     7.18 0900-1700 APTLD Meeting                       Kaiyotei(Sakura)
    (7.18-21 INET'2000)

6. Multilingual Domain Names

We recommend ccTLD Constituency to reqeust to DNSO to create informational
working group on multilingual domain names as we discussed in Cairo with
the schedule of the mid-term report at Los Angeles Meeting in November 2000
followed by the final report at March 2001 Meeting.

7. Next Teleconference

2000.7.5 Wednesday 1300-1400 GMT

8. AOB

We decided to send the letter to CENTR to participate ccTLD Administration
Committee more actively as we have not seen much participation from CENTR
since Cairo Meeting.

We believe that the program of Joint Workshop on DNSsec is stable, and
decided to support the workshop.  We tentatively agreed that we ask APTLD
to be in charge of the workshop including the financial arrangement, and 
asked other TLD groups(AFTLD, CENTR, IATLD, LACTLD, NSI) to support.

Appendix: Participant List

  Peter de Blanc
  Kilnam Chon
  Yann Kwak(part)
  Oscar Robles
  Antony van Couvering

  Elisabeth Porteneuve(Listening)
  YJ Park(Listening)
  Kanchana Kanchanasut(Listening)

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