ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO

ccTLD Interim Secretariat selection - Voting time extended. Please vote!!

A special AdCom teleconference held today, with NC member Patricio
participating, reviewed the comments and votes relating to the two ccTLD
Interim Secretariat proposals, as expressed in this list.

The proposals in their original form are available at

A number of postings to the list indicate there may be some modifications to
the proposals.

The level of participation in the discussion and lack of participation in
the voting process makes it impossible to see a consensus at this time.

Therefore the AdCom will extend the comment and voting period through
Monday, 19 June.

We request the proposers to amplify on their proposals and conduct a
campaign to solicit more votes.

We request the ccTLDs to make a positive statement (a vote) as to the
entity, or group, that they would prefer.

The outcome (consensus of those participating) will activate the formation
of the Interim secretariat, and allow the transfer of funds to whichever
organization will be doing the work.

Thank you in advance for your active participation, and for casting your

Peter de Blanc
chair - Interim Secretariat Selection WG
ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO
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