ICANN/DNSO Constituency Groups

IANA Newsletter - May, 1999

Return-Path: owner-cctld-admin@ISI.EDU
Delivery-Date: Wed May  5 01:24:13 1999
From: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority 
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 15:59:58 -0700 (PDT)
Message-Id: <199905042259.PAA12522@ode.isi.edu>
To: cctld-admin@ISI.EDU, cctld-tech@ISI.EDU
Subject: Newsletter - May, 1999
Cc: iana@ISI.EDU
Sender: owner-cctld-admin@ISI.EDU
Precedence: important

CCTLD Managers,

IANA wishes to thank you all for your continued service to the Internet
community. This letter marks the restart of our montly newsletter which
originally started in October 1997.  There are many topics which need
to be discussed relating to the management of country code TLDs, and it
is our hope that this monthly newsletter will facilitate discussion and
create better communication among the managers and between the managers
and IANA.

We would like to hear from all of you concerning any topic which you
believe we need to be aware of or would like to discuss in this
newsletter, including:

	A. Questions/concerns in formation of ICANN and DNSO

	B. Technical questions/concerns in maintaining CCTLD zones

	C. Questions concerning status of IANA and CCTLD registries

	D. Process for updating CCTLD contact information,
	nameservers, and changes in delegation

	E. Ideas for design of CCTLD structure

	F. Any questions concerning CCTLD which IANA or other CCTLD
	Managers may be able to help you with.

IANA will include select questions/concerns submitted by managers in
this newsletter to share with others.  This will encourage all of us
to communicate and help other CCTLD managers with problems/concerns that
they might have.

Some updated information concerning IANA:

	1. Our website can be found at http://www.iana.org and we can
	be contacted via email at iana@iana.org.

	2. A comprehensive list of contact information for all CCTLD
	managers can be found on our website at

	3. All country code TLDs have been assigned with the exception
	of three:	

		- Western Sahara
		- Bangladesh
		- North Korea

	All three of these cases contain special circumstances, and
	IANA is working with the appropriate parties in order for
	these TLDs to be delegated in the future.

	4. Although the recent death (October 1998) of Jon Postel,
	Director of IANA, was unexpected and a shock to us all, IANA
	continues to function in the same manner as before.  We are
	here to serve you and the rest of the Internet community to
	the best of our ability.

	5. RFC 1591 remains the lone document which must be followed
	by all TLD managers.  It would be wise for each of you to
	review the document and make any necessary changes to your TLD
	policies and/or contact information in order to maintain
	conformance to RFC 1591.

	6. The update of contact information is very important.  Please
	send all updates to IANA in order to keep our records current.

There are other issues that we will be addressing in the near future.
Please let us know if you have concerns/questions to share with us or
other CCTLD managers by sending an email to iana@iana.org.

We greatly appreciate your time, and we look forward to your
communications with us in the very near future.

Thank you.

Josh Elliott, Administrator
On behalf of IANA staff

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